The Problem: 

Misusing guards to "watch" cameras prevents real-time incident detection & live response.

- ​A 1999 study (Green) found that after 20 minutes,

  security guards will miss up to 95% of occurrences.  

- A 2008 study (Sulman, Sanocki, Goldgof & Kasturi) found that

   observers instantly miss 20% of targets when monitoring 4 cameras

   and 60% of targets when monitoring 9 cameras.

- Artificial Intelligence has no degradation in effectiveness over time, nor number of cameras.

- Artificial Intelligence is far less expensive, takes no breaks, and is far more reliable.

People are made for incident response, Not incident detection.

The Solution - Active Crime Defense:

Artificial Intelligence has the power to magnify a 95% underutilized guard into a 95% aware security asset.

AI reliably detects suspect incidents & alerts guards or remote agents who verify the activity & respond in real-time.

When you can have Active Crime Defense, why settle for Passive Standalone Security:  Alarms, Cameras, Access Control, Monitoring, and/or Guards?

Traditional Security Solutions Have Major Effectiveness Problems:

Alarms only detect criminals After they break in and that's far too late-  Perps are already committed at that point and they know cops can't show up in time to get them.  If someone happens to be inside and this criminal has already been to jail, they've likely learned that they can't leave witnesses alive.

Cameras usually only provide forensic research after the fact and often get poor quality images of people in hoodies or someone you don't know, which is virtually worthless.

Active Crime Defense Solves These Problems by:

1) Detecting criminals at the edge of your property, then Stopping them with an Instant Audible Greeting*, and optionally turning on lights, so criminals know someone is watching them- even if a person is not available yet.  

*  A custom audible alert almost always Stops a criminal in their tracks, but they may not yet turn around and leave, so this feature alone may not be enough of a deterrent.

*  Note: A neutral Instant Audible Greeting works best, like "Welcome to our property- How can we help you?". This allows visitors and guests to be greeted and assisted, while criminals hear this as "Hey, What Are You Doing Here???" 

2) Alerting System Users in real-time with a picture of the visitor so they have the critical time to Turn Away perps and Evade them if necessary, saving property and possibly even lives.  The system can allow users to turn away perps via two-way audio communication from intercoms, desk phones, smartphones, tablets, Macs, or PCs.

-  Real-time, Two-way communication with visual confirmation virtually always turns away perpetrators. 

- It also allows you to help visitors and guests, regardless of if you are in the back of the property or in another state. 

-  It is best to greet the person with their description, to confirm you can see them (EG: "Nice Red Shirt! Can I Help You?") 

Community Benefits:

The Active Crime Defense system can reduce crime in communities by detecting suspect incidents.  If primary intersections are covered, vehicle and pedestrian traffic can be tracked to the source (or current area).  This solution can be complemented by other cameras (like license-plate capture) to enable many crimes to be tracked to perpetrators.  

Word gets out fast on the streets when perps get nailed and this is also a highly-effective proactive deterrent to other criminals targeting your property or area.

Please Contact Us to Get Started:
- Save time and money
- Cut your crime and time losses
- Protect your property, team and community
- Increase efficiency, productivity & income
* The bottom line is a solution that works for you!

=> How Can ESS Help Me get a far more effective solution at lower costs?
=> What Geographical and Vertical Markets do you serve?

Live security


Human Attention Span

Engineered System Services

active crime defense:

- real-time cRIME dEtection

- rapid response
